If you should have any questions or suggestions, if you are interested in any of the pictures or in further works of Saad el Girgawi, please contact one of the following addresses:
Studio address Hauptstraße 11b 90610 Winkelhaid
Phone & fax: +49 (0)9187/49 08 E-Mail: girgawi@gmx.de
Web: www.girgawi.de
Home address Schwabenstraße 10 90559 Burgthann
Phone: +49 (0)9188/300 189 |
At either of the two addresses you can also order the following catalogue, which contains a detailed biography and many other works of Saad el Girgawi, for the price of 28 EUR:
Saad el Girgawi. Painter and Sculptor (only available in German) with 30 colour prints, 126 black and white images and 32 photographs Fürth, 1989 156 pages